People suffering from arthritis experience inflammation, pain, and reduced range of motion. Not being able to perform daily activities can get annoying and have a negative effect on your mental health as well. Over 54 million people in the United States have arthritis, with the most common being osteoarthritis, affecting over 31 million Americans. There are many types of arthritis but three of them — rheumatoid, osteo, and psoriatic arthritis are the most common. 

Since all types of arthritis stem from musculoskeletal issues and affect the joints, chiropractic care is instrumental in regaining movement and reducing swelling. It is non-addictive and non-invasive, so you can stay away from over-the-counter pain medication that comes with a number of side effects including addiction. 

Living with arthritis is difficult because the pain can get unbearable but you can manage it very well through chiropractic care

How does chiropractic care help with different types of arthritis?

Chiropractic care promotes nervous system health, which helps in managing pain caused by arthritis. Here’s how chiropractors help reduce pain and inflammation:

1. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative arthritis that speeds up the wear and tear of joints, especially the knees. As you age, different muscles and bones in your joints start reducing in size, which decreases their shock-absorbing capacity. It is faster with osteoarthritis, which causes stiffness and pain. Chiropractors use chiropractic adjustment, a method in which they apply a sudden and controlled force to a joint. 

You might hear cracking or popping sounds but that’s completely expected. After a few days, you might experience fatigue and tiredness but the pain will be almost gone. 

2. Rheumatoid arthritis

A chronic inflammatory disorder, rheumatoid arthritis not only affects the joints but also your eyes, skin, lungs, and heart. Along with swelling and reduced movement, you experience excruciating pain and loss of appetite. Some people also experience loss of muscle tone. To treat rheumatoid arthritis, chiropractors use manipulation therapy, which is a combination of spinal manipulation, water exercises and hot and cold compress. 

Living with arthritis is difficult because the pain can get unbearable but you can manage it very well through chiropractic care

3. Psoriatic arthritis 

Psoriatic arthritis only happens to people who suffer from psoriasis, a skin condition in which people develop red patches with  silver scales on their skin. It is a progressive disorder in which people experience joint problems along with other symptoms including swelling of the eyes, pitted nails, and lower back pain. Chiropractors use ultrasound and massage therapy to alleviate the pain followed by spinal manipulation. Since psoriatic arthritis is a combination of skin and musculoskeletal disorders, chiropractors have to take extra care while handling areas with skin lesions. 

Living with arthritis is difficult because the pain can get unbearable but you can manage it very well through chiropractic care.

Finding the best chiropractor to treat arthritic pain 

When it comes to treating arthritis, there’s no better chiropractic clinic than Iceberg Health. We are a team of highly trained and experienced chiropractors who are here to provide you the best care to treat your joint pain and help you lead a normal life. 

Call on at 678-505-0000 to book a free consultation session with one of our chiropractors, who will diagnose your condition and come up with an all-round treatment plan to tackle the issue. 

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