Relief-650 is a powerful blend of Ayurvedic herbs formulated to help address inflammation in the body.

Why does inflammation occur in the first place?

In our everyday lives, we’re exposed to physical and chemical stress. Occasionally we’ll experience injuries that initiate tissue damage. To counter this, your body’s natural reaction is to induce inflammation. This is good for three main reasons:


  • Your arteries enlarge so the damaged region receives increased blood flow.


  • Capillaries become more permeable so vital proteins and fluids can easily move in from the bloodstream


  • White blood cells filled with tiny sacs that contain enzymes and digest microorganisms.


Sometimes, inflammation can last longer than needed, causing more harm than benefit.

pain medicationneck pain


Do any of these sound familiar?

Our knee-jerk reaction to pain is often taking a painkiller. There are more risks to taking painkillers (like Vicodin, Percocet and OxyContin) long-term than just the chance of overdose:

  • People who take prescription painkillers are at a greater risk for cardiovascular death.
  • Prescription painkillers cause constipation and can lead to narcotic bowel syndrome, which slows down bowel movement. The result is nausea, vomiting and abdominal distention that permanently damages your intestines.
  • Opiates suppress your ability to breathe and can increase your risk for pneumonia. Depending on your immunity, this can be lethal.
  • Acetaminophen is a popular ingredient in painkillers that does significant liver damage.

At our clinic, we’ve found a natural pain relief solution patients are loving (because of the immediate relief called) Relief-650 that works to reduce the inflammation that causes soft tissue damage. The digestive enzymes in Relief-650 help the small intestines digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which reduces upset stomach due to certain foods.

Relief-650 contains various enzymes which disable macromolecular components during the increase of inflammation. The enzymes work with the antioxidants to remove free radicals produced during the formation of chronic and acute inflammation.

Here are the key ingredients:

  • Ashwagandha: Indian ginseng, has a wide range of health benefits, which include its ability to fight cancer and diabetes, reduce inflammation, and prevent arthritis, asthma, hypertension, stress, and rheumatism
  • Shatavari: Species of asparagus that encourages circulation, as well as healthy nervous system and hormonal function
  • Fenugreek Seed: Improves Digestive Problems and Cholesterol Levels, lowers inflammation, improves blood glucose levels
  • Kavach Seed: enhances concentration and improves mood, improved relaxation and help getting to sleep


If you want to make the healthy choice to stop using harmful painkillers and make the switch to Relief-650, contact us and we’ll help solve your inflammation or pain from the root!

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