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How The Weight Of Your Head Can Cause Problems

On average, your head weighs around 10 to 12 pounds but when you slightly tilt it ahead while using a phone, the weight increases. For example, when you tilt by 15 degrees, your head puts higher pressure on the shoulder and spinal cord, which is equal to 30 pounds and when you tilt by 30 degrees, it weighs around 40 pounds. As you tilt further, the weight keeps on increasing. It adds pressure on your spinal cord and stretches the muscle of your neck and back, causing chronic discomfort and neck, shoulder, and back pain. Chiropractic care is effective in reducing the pain, relaxing frozen neck muscles, and improving neck and back movement.

Why you need to take care of your posture ASAP

Neck pain occurs when the muscles connecting your neck to your back are under pressure. It starts with a stiff neck and moves to tenderness followed by stabbing pain. The forward head posture weakens the soft tissues of the neck and can cause permanent damage to your posture and back muscles. Once the pain starts progressing, you are at a huge risk of experiencing asthma, depression, reduction in blood flow, and tingling sensation in your hands and fingers, all of which can decrease the quality of your life.

Obesity, poor posture, and weak abdominal muscles can also cause neck pain. Chiropractic care is a non-addictive and non-invasive procedure that reduces joint restrictions and re-aligns the vertebrae to reduce inflammation.


Chiropractic care for resolving neck pain due to weight of your head

When you visit a chiropractic clinic, the chiropractor will examine the region where you are experiencing pain,and may take an x-ray to find out more about it. Chiropractors perform a therapy called neck adjustment or cervical manipulation procedure, using their hands to manipulate the joints of your neck to improve mobility and restore its movement.

After the first session, the chiropractor will develop a course of treatment for you, which will include mobilisation therapy, exercise, and massage. Some benefits of chiropractic adjustments include:

  • Improved flexibility
  • Reduced discomfort and pain
  • More active lifestyle
  • Increased range of motion
  • Reduced inflammation

Maintaining a healthy spine with chiropractic care

When you text your friends on your cell phone, you tend to hunch over and crane your neck down to look at your phone. When you use a computer, you look down, which tilts your head and increases its weight. All of these positions induce stress in your spinal cord as it gets continuously stretched during the whole time.

Chiropractors use the spinal manipulation therapy to induce your body’s natural healing process. Some also use electrical stimulation, depending on the extent of your pain and discomfort.

The treatment might make you feel a little tired after every session but that’s only your body’s natural recovery mechanism kicking into action.

Resolving frozen shoulder with chiropractic care

Whether you suffer from a frozen shoulder because of using your phone too much or from lifting something heavy, chiropractic care is instrumental in resolving it.

Chiropractors use a hammer-like tool to shift the joints of your muscle forwards and backwards. After the pain reduces, chiropractors use manual adjustment to relax muscles around the shoulders.

If you exercise regularly, chiropractic care will improve your movements and your shoulder and arm muscles won’t feel stretched or under stress while performing different activities. It will also resolve any pain that occurred earlier while doing housework or lifting anything heavy.

Treating shoulder pain automatically improves overall posture because if it is left untreated, it can cause postural syndrome, which is a permanent change in your spine structure due to prolonged incorrect position. It causes a lot of pain and discomfort, which can only be resolved through chiropractic care.

During the course of the treatment, the chiropractor will recommend you a number of exercises, which includes moving arms in circles and using resistance bands to improve flexibility.

Why is chiropractic care better than pain-relief medicine in treating back, neck, and shoulder pain?

When you take a pain relief medication, the effect is only temporary, while chiropractors understand the primary cause of the pain and treat accordingly for a long-term and permanent effect.

Here are four reasons chiropractic care is better than pain relief medicines:

1. Pain relief medicine is addictive

If you consume medicines over a long period of time, you can get addicted to them as they are habit-forming. As they become a part of your life, you will find it difficult to get rid of your habit, which can cause overdosing.

2. Painkillers have harmful side effects

We’ve all seen the commercials. Pain medication comes with a large number of side effects including late reflexes, sleepiness, sluggishness, and reduced inhibitions. You won’t experience any of these chiropractic care. On the other hand, it is scientifically proven help you sleep better and naturally increase energy levels as the therapy helps in better delivery of nutrients.

3. No potential to overdose

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and non-addictive therapy, so there’s no way you will overdose, which unfortunately happens with many people on pain relief medication. It’s not only those who use illicit painkillers that are dying – over 40% of all US opioid overdose deaths in 2016 involved an opioid prescribed by a doctor.  

4. Chiropractic care has long-term and permanent relief

Managing pain with chiropractic care has long-term effects as you are targeting the area causing pain with pressure and not medication. It kicks off your body’s natural healing mechanism. Remember, symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg. Our philosophy at Iceberg Health is to treat the underlying cause of the problem so you don’t have to rely on painkillers that only mask the pain temporarily instead of eliminating the pain from the root.

Visit Iceberg Health to solve back, spine, and shoulder pain

Whether you are suffering from back pain, spinal, or shoulder, we at Iceberg Health will help you resolve it in just six weeks. We offer you a 15-minute free consultation with our expert therapist who will assess your pain and develop a plan of action, which includes manipulation therapy, exercise, massage, and lifestyle changes.

At Iceberg Health, you will receive the best chiropractic care for acute and chronic pain, discomfort, and frozen muscles. Before you visit, give us a call at 678-505-0000 to claim your free consultation.

Dr. Kamlesh Patel

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